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67 - Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England

I am funny have a good sense of humour smell great and love enjoying myself . Friends always enjoy my company so...


63 - Harrow, London, England

Having retired from a long career in the City, I'm now looking to share my newly found time with a lovely...


70 - Wakefield, Yorkshire - West, England

With a zest for life and a heart full of stories, I'm a genuine soul seeking meaningful connections, laughter,...


60 - Brentwood, Essex, England

Me? I have an outgoing personality and like to socialise and get out. It would be nice to meet someone who's...


50 - Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

My friends say I'm restless, confident, brave, competitive, a rule breaker, curious , funny and a great friend....


54 - Fleet, Hampshire, England

Hello. I'm a 54-year-old man with a passion for travel and an appreciation of life’s simple pleasures. I enjoy...

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Trusted by Smooth listeners looking to love life to the full.

About Smooth Singles

Welcome to Smooth Singles. We are the trusted online dating service for lovers of Smooth Radio.

At Smooth Singles, we want our members to love life to the full. Whether you love adventures or cosy nights in, with our intelligent two-way matching feature, we are confident you will find new romance, friendship or companionship.

It's safe and simple to start your search, sign up to Smooth Singles to find like-minded members and meet your perfect match today.

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Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Thanks so very much for your prompt reply and assistance, very much appreciated!
Donna, 21 May 2024
Thanks so much - this is exactly what I need. So far I have found the customer service way better than any other sites.
Susan, 04 May 2024
Thanks for being so helpful. I'll use you again in the future
Pam, 21 July 2024